Berger, Carrie
Position Type:
Job Title:
Fire Program Manager
Outreach and Engagement
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Office Location:
201D Richardson Hall
Phone Number:
B.S ., 1998, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S., 2002, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Research Interests
- Fire adapted communities
- Smoke ready communities
- Prescribed fire and cultural burning
- Extension & Engagement
Selected Publications:
- Davis, EJ, H. Smith, C. Adlam, C. Berger, and D. Morrison. Summer 2023. Stories of Fire: Resources for Media Covering Wildfire Events and Topics in Oregon.
- Our Future in Our Hands a collection of fire preparedness topics including: Make a Plan; Prepare Your Home; Care for Your Mental Health; and Protect Yourself From Wildfire Smoke, 2022, https://extension.oregonstate.edu/collection/our-future-our-hands (available also in Spanish)
- Prescribed Fire Basics, a collection of prescribed fire modules providing introductory-level information to increase understanding of the importance and mechanics of prescribed burns, 2022, https://extension.oregonstate.edu/collection/prescribed-fire-basics
- Grand, L., Berger, C., Fitzgerald, S.A., Leavell, D.M. 2019. Fire FAQs: Who owns Oregon's forests, and how does that matter when it comes to fire? EM9228, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Creighton, J.H., C. Berger, and J.E. Johnson. 2019. Key issues affecting Oregon family forests owners: A scoping review of the literature and survey analysis of educational service providers. Small-scale Forestry 18: 411-427.
- Fitzgerald, S.A., Berger, C., Leavell, D.M. 2018. Fire FAQs: What is forest fuel, and what are fuel treatments? EM9230, Extension & Experiment Station Communications. Oregon State University. 2p.
- Berger, C., L. Grand, S.A. Fitzgerald, D. Leavell. 2018. What is fire severity? EM9222, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Berger, C., S.A. Fitzgerald, D. Leavell, J. Peterson. 2018. Air quality impacts from prescribed fire and wildfire: How do they compare? EM9203, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Baylog, K., D. Leavell, C. Berger. 2018. How can landscapes with mixed ownerships be managed for fire effectively? EM9196, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Fitzgerald, S.A., C. Berger, D. Leavell, L. Grand. 2018. Salvage cutting: What are the effects on fire behavior and severity? EM9195, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Bennett, M., S.A. Fitzgerald, D. Leavell, C. Berger. 2018. Have the size and severity of forest wildfires increased in Oregon and across the West? EM9194, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Berger, C., S.A. Fitzgerald, D. Leavell. 2018. Managing wildfire for resource benefit: What is it and is it beneficial? EM9193, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Leavell, D., C. Berger, S.A. Fitzgerald, B. Parker. 2017. Fire Science Core Curriculum. EM9172, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 197p.
- Strong, N., P.T. Oester, D.C. Shaw, B. Saffell, T. Fegel, C. Berger. 2017. Pest Scene Investigator: A Training Curriculum. EM9161, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 48p.
- Berger, C. and T. Fegel. 2017. Nontimber forest products for small woodland owners: Bigleaf maple syrup. EM9163, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Fegel, T. and C. Berger. 2017. Nontimber forest products for small woodland owners: Shiitake mushrooms. EM9162, Extension & Experiment Station Communications, Oregon State University. 2p.
- Wolf, R., C. Berger, J. Creighton and C. Olsen. 2015. Not all fires are wild: Understanding fire and its use as a management tool. EM9114: 1-6. ANREP Gold Award for Short Publication.
Extension Title:
Fire Program Manager