Zamora Cristales, Rene
Position Type:
Job Title:
Courtesy Faculty
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
223 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Research Areas
Forest Operations Planning and Management
Forest Policy Analysis and Economics
Research Interests
- Economics and Finance of Carbon Markets
- Forest Economics in Developing Countries
- Policy Incentives and Land Opportunity Costs
- Forest Education and International Forestry
Appointment length: 3/1/2022 - 2/28/2027; Collaborator: John Sessions; Michele Justice; Tom DeLuca
Selected Publications:
- Zamora-Cristales R., Gonzalez M., Rachmaninnof V., Franco M., Vergara W., De Camino R., Miljanic A., Sanchez M., Hilton L., and Carazo F., 2021. Healing the wounded land: The role of public economic incentives in scaling up restoration efforts in six Latin American countries.. World Resources Institute Issue Brief 32 p. Accepted.
- Firebanks-Quevedo, D., Planas, J., Buckingham, K., Taylor, C., Silva, D., Naydenova, G. and Zamora-Cristales, R., 2022. Using machine learning to identify incentives in forestry policy: Towards a new paradigm in policy analysis. Forest Policy and Economics, 134, p.102624.
- Zamora-Cristales R. 2021. Financial Strategies for Forest and Landscape Restoration. In book: Ghazoul J. and Schweizer D. (eds) (2021) Forests for the future: Restoration success at landscape scale - what will it take and what have we learned? Prince Bernhard Chair Reports (issue 1). Series editors Almond, R.E.A., Grooten, M. and Van Kuijk, M., WWF-Netherlands, Zeist and Utrecht University, Netherlands.Publisher: WWF Nederland & Prince Bernhard Chair for International Nature Conservation, Utrecht University
- Zamora-Cristales R., Herrador D., Cuellar N., Díaz O., Kandel S., Quezada J., De Larios S., Molina G., Rivera M., Morán_ramirez W., Jimenez A., Flores E., Franco Chuaire M., Gallardo Lomeli L., Vergara W. 2020. Landscape Sustainability Index for Restoration. World Resources Institute Report, 68p.
- Zamora-Cristales R. 2021 Building Bridges that bring together impact investors and landscape restoration. In book: Mobilising climate finance experiences and lessons learned from IKI projects in Central America and the Caribbean Edition: First; Chapter: 2; Publisher: Ann-Kathrin Schloenvoigt (GIZ), David J. Alfaro Obando (GIZ), Mariana Cerdas Gutiérrez (GIZ)
- Zamora-Cristales R., Buckingham K., Anderson W. 2021. How mapping the social landscape can accelerate forest and landscape restoation: case of studies from Chile and Honduras. In book: Forest Landscape Restoration and Social Opportunities in the Tropical WorldEdition: FirstChapter: 4Publisher: Editors: Fabiane Carolyne Santos , Severino R. Ribeiro Pinto and Cindy E. Prescott. -- 1. ed. -- Recife, PE : Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste - Cepan, 2020.
- Zamora-Cristales, R., Liere, M.A. and Hernández, E.A.S., 2020. Economic Prioritization and optimiation of public incentives for riparian forest restoration. Revista Mesoamericana de Biodiversidad y Cambio Climático, 4(1), pp.23-43.
- Ding H., Faruqi S., Wu A., Anchondo A., Altamirano J., Verdone M., Zamora-Cristales R. Chazdon R., Vergara W., 2017. Roots for Prosperity: the Economics and Finance of restoring degraded lands. World Resources Institute, Washington DC., 80p.