Tappeiner, John
Position Type:
Job Title:
Emeritus Faculty
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
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BS, 1957, Univ. of California-Berkeley
MS, 1961, Univ. of California-Berkeley
PhD, 1966, Univ. of California-Berkeley
Selected Publications:
- Deal, R.L., and J.C. Tappeiner. 2002. The Effects of Partial Cutting on Stand Structure and Growth in Western Hemlock-Sitka Spruce Stands in Southeast Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management. 159: 173-186.
- Deal, R.L., J.C. Tappeiner and P.E. Hennon, 2002. Developing silvicultural systems based on partial cutting of western hemlock - sitka spruce stands of southeast Alaska. Forestry 75: 425-431.
- Latham, P. and J. C. Tappeiner. 2002. Response of add-growth conifers to reduction in stand density in western Oregon Forests. Tree Physiology 22: 137-146.
- Tappeiner, J. C., J. C. Zasada, D. Huffman, and L. M. Ganio. 2001. Salmonberry and salal annual aerial stem production: the maintenance of shrub cover in forest stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31:1629-1638.
- Chambers, C.L., W.C. McComb and J.C. Tappeiner. 1999. Breeding bird response to three silvicultural treatments in the Oregon Coast Range. Ecological Applications 9:171-185.