Sollins, Phillip
Position Type:
Job Title:
Professor Emeritus
Forest Ecosystems & Society
B.A., 1966, Swarthmore College, PA
M.A., 1970, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ph.D., 1972, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Research Interests
- Forest Ecology
- Soil Science
Forest ecosystems analysis including primary production, nutrient cycling, decomposition, and social/ecological interactions.
Selected Publications:
- Sollins, P., P. Homann, and B. Caldwell. 1996. Stabilization and destabilization of soil organic matter: mechanisms and controls. Geoderma 74:65-105.
- Sollins, P., F. Sancho, R. Mata, and R.L. Sanford. 1994. Soils and soil process research. Pp. 34-53 In: L. McDade, K. Bawa, H. Hespenheide, and G. Hartshorn (eds.), La Selva: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rainforest. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Furrer, G., P. Sollins, and J. Westall. 1990. The study of soil chemistry through quasi-steady-state models. II. Soil solution acidity. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54:2363-2374.
- Sollins, P. and R. Radulovich. 1988. Effects of soil physical structure on solute transport in a weathered tropical soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 52:1168-1173.
- Sollins, P., G.P. Robertson, and G. Uehara. 1988. Nutrient mobility in variable-and permanent-charge soils. Biogeochem. 6:181-189.
- Sollins, P., C.C. Grier, F.M. McCorison, K. Cromack, R. Fogel, and R.L. Fredriksen. 1980. The internal element cycles of an old-growth Douglas-fir ecosystem in western Oregon. Ecol. Monogr. 50:261-285.