Simon-Brown, Viviane
Position Type:
Job Title:
Emeritus Professor
Forest Ecosystems & Society
B.A., 1974, Portland State University, Science and Foreign Languages: French
Executive Masters, 1991, Lewis & Clark College, Public Administration
Research Interests
- Human Dimensions
- Natural Resources
Integrating three aspects of the human dimensions of natural resources sustainability:Sustainable living education to help individuals and families make intelligent, thoughtful quality of life and consumer choices about natural resources;Public engagement to better understand the public's natural resource values and beliefs systems; andCollaborative public processes that move people from conflict and promote direct and meaningful natural resources decision-making.
Selected Publications:
- Stidham, M. and V. Simon-Brown. 2009. Converting forest biomass to energy in Oregon: Stakeholder perspectives on a growing movement. Journal of Biomass and Energy.
- Bardon, R., Meyer, N., Moore, S., Overholt, G., Peterson, G., Simon-Brown, V., Smith, S., Stortz, P. and L. Vandenberg. Communication Techniques for Initiating Discussion About Complex Value-Laden Issues. Journal of Extension. Website
- Bardon, R., Meyer, N., Moore, S., Overholt, G., Peterson, G., Simon-Brown, V., Smith, S. and P. Stortz. ‘Riskometer’ –Voting with Your Feet. Journal of Extension. Website
- Simon-Brown, V. 2009. Extensive adaptation of Climate Master Handbook: A guide to shrinking your climate footprint and motivating others to do the same. Original author S.Mazze. 2007. University of Oregon Climate Leadership Initiative. 44 pp.
- Creighton, J., Cox, S., Sulzmann, J., lead authors. Simon-Brown, V, editor, reviewer, and co-author of teacher’s guide. 2009. Saving Eden Creek: A film about people and forests. EM 8858-E.
- Crosby, G., Elliott, C., Hyde, L., McDonell, L., Monroe, M., Rashash, D., Sheftall. W., Simon-Brown, V., Tupas, L., and T. Worthley. 2008. Sustainable Living Education: A call to all Extension. Journal of Extension, V46n2, April 2008. Website
- Simon-Brown, V. 2008. Taking Program Snapshots: Planning strategies when there isn’t time for strategic planning. Journal of Extension, V46n4, August 2008. Website
- Simon-Brown, V. “Taking Personal Action.” Chapter in Sustainable Development: Principles, Frameworks and Cases. Edited by Ukaga, O., Maser, C. and M. Reichenbach. Rutgers University Press. In press for 2009.
- Simon-Brown, V., lead author, Adamski, M., and C. Elliott. 2007. Living Sustainably: It’s your choice. OSU Extension publication. EM1614. September 2007. 24pp. PDF
- Reed, S., and Simon-Brown, V. Fundamentals of Knowledge Transfer. Chapter in Forest Landscape Ecology: Transferring Knowledge to practice. Sage Publications. 2006.
- Simon-Brown, V. The Sustainable Living Project at OSU: A values approach to intelligent consumer decisions. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Volume 2, 2006.
- Simon-Brown, V, and J. Creighton. 2005. Using Theater to Address Natural Resource Challenges. Women in Natural Resources. October. Website
- Simon-Brown, V., project coordinator, Creighton, J., and J. Sulzmann, authors. 2004. Saving Eden Creek: A play about people and forests. An original one-act play about people and their relationships with forests. OSU Extension publication EM 8858-E, 44pp. Website
- Simon-Brown, V. 2004. Saving Eden Creek Program Guide. Education and discussion guide to accompany the play. Oregon State University. EM 8858, 12pp. PDF
- Simon-Brown, V. 2004. Intelligent Consumption: Addressing Consumer Responsibilities for Natural Resources. Journal of Extension, V42n5, October 2004. Website
- Jackson, B., Habecker, M., Kroenke, M., Reichenbach, M., Traaholt, S., Simon-Brown, V., and Hubbard, B. 2004. Members Evaluate Their Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP). Journal of Extension, V42n6, December 2004. Website
- Simon-Brown, V., Withrow-Robinson, B., Engle, M., Reed, and S., Broussard, S. 2003. Art as Catalyst for Conversations about Forests. Journal of Women in Natural Resources. Website
- Douthwaite, V., Fleming, D., and Simon-Brown, V. 2003. Sustainable Rural Development: A Study Guide. Curriculum text in CD and Web formats for a distance education course.
- Withrow-Robinson B., Broussard, S., Simon-Brown, V., Engle, M., and Reed, S. 2002. Seeing the Forest: Art about Forests and Forestry. Journal of Forestry. December, v.100, no.8, pp 8-14.
- Reichenbach, M., Simon-Brown, V. 2002. Linking Strategic Thinking and Project Planning: The Oregon State University Extension Forestry Experience. Journal of Extension. August, V40n4, August 2002. Website