Schimleck, Laurence
Position Type:
Job Title:
Wood Science & Engineering
Office Location:
348 Richardson Hall
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
Ph.D., 1997 University of Melbourne, Australia
B.S., 1993, University of Melbourne, Australia
Research Areas
Wood Identification and Characterization
Resource Extension and Optimization
Research Interests
- Wood Anatomy
Nondestructive testing of wood, NIR spectroscopy, Wood property responses to silvicultural treatments
Graduate Students:
Courses Taught:
WSE 210RENEWABLE MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AND UTILIZATIONCharacteristics and uses of renewable fiber products including wood, bamboo and grasses; manufacturing processes; effect of tree growth and harvesting on renewable products manufacturing and properties. Wood identification.
WSE 320ANATOMY OF RENEWABLE MATERIALSExamination of macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of renewable (plant based) materials commonly used by society. Learning activities including lecture and the hands-on study of the various plant materials and their components with naked-eye, hand lens, and microscopic examination.
WSE 521WOOD SCIENCE IA comprehensive overview and integration of wood anatomy, wood physics, wood chemistry and wood mechanics; global contemporary issues impacting the wood and fiber sector; integration of basic wood sciences to understand the complex relationships between environment and wood material properties, and the influence of both on the use of wood-based materials.