Roon, David
Position Type:
Job Title:
Research Associate
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Office Location:
327 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
PhD, 2021, Fisheries Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
MS, 2011, Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
BA, 2005, Environmental Studies, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR
Research Interests
- Aquatic ecology
- Riparian forests
- Aquatic-terrestrial linkages
- Disturbance
- Food webs
I am an aquatic ecologist interested in the connections among aquatic ecosystems, forests, and watersheds. Much of my research explores how forest disturbances influence aquatic and riparian ecosystems. I am especially interested in whole-ecosystem approaches that link species and their food webs to understand the implications of environmental change and disturbance. I am drawn to applied science questions that have direct implications for natural resource management.
My current research explores the effects of wildfires and shifting fire regimes on aquatic ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. I am applying food web system dynamics models to improve our understanding of how wildfires influence aquatic ecosystems; developing maps of wildfire risk to fish and aquatic habitats; and tracking post-fire responses of fish and aquatic habitats in the Hinkle Creek watershed, Oregon.
For a full list of publications, visit: