Marvin Pyles

Pyles, Marvin

Position Type:
Job Title:
Emeritus Professor
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, 1981 University of California, Berkeley
MS, Civil Engineering, 1975 Oregon State University
BS, Civil Engineering, 1973 Oregon State University
Educational Background
Registered Professional Civil Engineer:
California and Oregon
Engineering properties of soils, slope stability, hydraulics and hydrology, logging mechanics, forest roads
Selected Publications:
  1. Pattison J., K. Boston, and M. Pyles. 2010. Development of a correlation model between a 20-kg Clegg hammer and Field CBR for measuring subgrade strength in forest roads in western Oregon. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 21(1):12-19
  2. Boston, Kevin, Marvin R. Pyles, and Andrea Bord. 2008. “Compaction of Forest Roads in Northwestern Oregon – Room for Improvement.” International Journal of Forest Engineering 19(1):24-28.
  3. Pyles, Marvin R. and Robert A. Douglas. 2007. “Inappropriate productivity measures: the demise of university forestry programs?” Forest Products Journal.
  4. Pyles, Marvin R. and Mari Kramer. 2006. “A Case Study of DEM Based Slope Stability Assessment on Managed Forest Land in the Oregon Coast Range.” Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 21(4):195-102.
  5. House, Matthew R., Marvin R. Pyles, and Dale White. 2005. “Velocity Distributions in Streambed Simulation Culverts Used for Fish Passage.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association [JAWRA], 41(1):209-217.