Rajat Panwar

Panwar, Rajat

Position Type:
Job Title:
Professor of Responsible and Sustainable Business
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Office Location:
332 Richardson Hall
Phone Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
DBA (Sustainability and Strategy): Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
PhD (Forest Products Business Management): Oregon State University, USA
MBA (Strategy): University of Lucknow, India
Research Interests
  • Social Science
  • Business and Climate Change
  • Business and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Bioeconomy
I am an interdisciplinary scholar. My research focuses on how businesses can help mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss while contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. My work employs both qualitative and quantitative social science methodologies. I serve as a lead author for the "Business and Biodiversity" assessment by the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and for the United States National Nature Assessment. I am the President-Elect of the International Association for Business and Society and the Program Chair for the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management.
Graduate Students:
Courses Taught:
  • SUS 450
    Sustainable Organizations
  • BA 347 
    International Business
  • WSE 453 /553
    Forest Products Business
Selected Publications:
  1. Panwar, R., Pinkse, J., Cashore, B., & Husted, B. (In press). Why corporate sustainability initiatives fail to reduce deforestation and what to do about it. Business Strategy & the Environment.

  2. Panwar, R. (In press). Business and biodiversity: Achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity conservation through transformative changes in business practices. Biodiversity & Conservation.

  3. Panwar, R., Ober, H., & Pinkse, J. (In press). The uncomfortable relationship between business and biodiversity: Advancing research on business strategies for biodiversity protection. Business Strategy and the Environment.

  4. Panwar, R., Pandey, V., Suddaby, R., & Vidal, N. (2023). Did India’s CSR mandate enhance or diminish firm value? Business & Society. 62(2): 401-433.

  5. Panwar, R. (2023). Optimism amid despair: How to avoid a net-zero debacle? Business & Society, 62(1):9-13.

  6. Suddaby, R. & Panwar, R. (2022). On the complexity of managing transparency. California Management Review, 65(1): 5-18.

  7. Panwar, R., Pinkse, J., & De Marchi, V. 2022. The future of global supply chains in a post-COVID-19 world. California Management Review, 64(2): 5-23.

  8. Barnett, M., Cashore, B., Henriques, I., Husted, B, Panwar, R., & Pinkse, J. 2021. Reorient the business case for corporate sustainability. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Summer issue. 35-39. [equal authorship; names in alphabetical order]

  9. Murcia, M, Panwar, R., & Tarzijan, J. 2021. Socially responsible firms outsource less. Business & Society, 60(6), 1507-1545.

  10. Vabi, V., Kozak, R., & Panwar, R. 2020. Voices unheard: Barriers to and opportunities for small farmers' participation in oil palm contract farming. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275:129955.

  11. Deboer, J., Panwar, R., Kozak, R., & Cashore, B. 2020. Squaring the circle: Refining the competitiveness logic for the circular bioeconomy. Forest Policy & Economics, 110: 101858.

  12. DeBoer, J., Panwar, R., & Rivera, J. 2017. Toward a place-based understanding of business sustainability: Effects of green competitors and green locales on firm’s voluntary environmental engagement. Business Strategy & the Environment, 26: 940-955.

  13. Panwar, R., Nybakk, E., Hansen, E., & Pinkse, J. 2017. Does the business case matter? The effect of a perceived business case on small firms’ social engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(3): 597-608.

  14. Siegner, M., Panwar, R. & Kozak, R. 2017. Making the Bio-economy inclusive: The role of community and agro-forestry. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics, 26: 229-238.

  15. Panwar, R., Kozak, R., & Hansen, E. 2016. Forests, business, and sustainability. Abingdon, UK: Routledge publishers. 228 pp.

  16. Panwar, R., Nybakk, E., Pinkse, J., & Hansen, E. 2015. Being good when not doing well: Examining the effect of the economic downturn on small manufacturing firms’ ongoing sustainability-oriented initiatives. Organization & Environment, 28(2): 204-222. [This paper was runner-up for the Schinder Electric Sustainability International Award for outstanding article for relevance to management practice.]

  17. Panwar, R., Paul, K., Nybakk, E., Hansen, E., & Thompson D. 2014. The legitimacy of CSR actions of publicly-traded companies versus privately-held companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(3): 481-496.

  18. Panwar, R., Hansen, E., & Kozak, R. 2014. Evaluating social and environmental issues by integrating the legitimacy gap with expectational gaps: An empirical assessment of the forest industry. Business & Society, 53(6): 853-875.

  19. Hansen, E., Panwar, R., & Vlosky, R. 2014. The global forest sector: Changes, practices, and prospects. Boca Raton: CRC press. 471 pp.

  20. Panwar, R., Rinne, T., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. 2006. Corporate responsibility: Balancing economic, environmental and social issues in the forest products industry. Forest Products Journal, 56(2): 4-12.