Panwar, Rajat
- Social Science
- Business and Climate Change
- Business and Biodiversity Conservation
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Bioeconomy
SUS 450Sustainable Organizations
BA 347International Business
WSE 453 /553Forest Products Business
Panwar, R., Pinkse, J., Cashore, B., & Husted, B. (In press). Why corporate sustainability initiatives fail to reduce deforestation and what to do about it. Business Strategy & the Environment.
Panwar, R. (In press). Business and biodiversity: Achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity conservation through transformative changes in business practices. Biodiversity & Conservation.
Panwar, R., Ober, H., & Pinkse, J. (In press). The uncomfortable relationship between business and biodiversity: Advancing research on business strategies for biodiversity protection. Business Strategy and the Environment.
Panwar, R., Pandey, V., Suddaby, R., & Vidal, N. (2023). Did India’s CSR mandate enhance or diminish firm value? Business & Society. 62(2): 401-433.
Panwar, R. (2023). Optimism amid despair: How to avoid a net-zero debacle? Business & Society, 62(1):9-13.
Suddaby, R. & Panwar, R. (2022). On the complexity of managing transparency. California Management Review, 65(1): 5-18.
Panwar, R., Pinkse, J., & De Marchi, V. 2022. The future of global supply chains in a post-COVID-19 world. California Management Review, 64(2): 5-23.
Barnett, M., Cashore, B., Henriques, I., Husted, B, Panwar, R., & Pinkse, J. 2021. Reorient the business case for corporate sustainability. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Summer issue. 35-39. [equal authorship; names in alphabetical order]
Murcia, M, Panwar, R., & Tarzijan, J. 2021. Socially responsible firms outsource less. Business & Society, 60(6), 1507-1545.
Vabi, V., Kozak, R., & Panwar, R. 2020. Voices unheard: Barriers to and opportunities for small farmers' participation in oil palm contract farming. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275:129955.
Deboer, J., Panwar, R., Kozak, R., & Cashore, B. 2020. Squaring the circle: Refining the competitiveness logic for the circular bioeconomy. Forest Policy & Economics, 110: 101858.
DeBoer, J., Panwar, R., & Rivera, J. 2017. Toward a place-based understanding of business sustainability: Effects of green competitors and green locales on firm’s voluntary environmental engagement. Business Strategy & the Environment, 26: 940-955.
Panwar, R., Nybakk, E., Hansen, E., & Pinkse, J. 2017. Does the business case matter? The effect of a perceived business case on small firms’ social engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(3): 597-608.
Siegner, M., Panwar, R. & Kozak, R. 2017. Making the Bio-economy inclusive: The role of community and agro-forestry. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics, 26: 229-238.
Panwar, R., Kozak, R., & Hansen, E. 2016. Forests, business, and sustainability. Abingdon, UK: Routledge publishers. 228 pp.
Panwar, R., Nybakk, E., Pinkse, J., & Hansen, E. 2015. Being good when not doing well: Examining the effect of the economic downturn on small manufacturing firms’ ongoing sustainability-oriented initiatives. Organization & Environment, 28(2): 204-222. [This paper was runner-up for the Schinder Electric Sustainability International Award for outstanding article for relevance to management practice.]
Panwar, R., Paul, K., Nybakk, E., Hansen, E., & Thompson D. 2014. The legitimacy of CSR actions of publicly-traded companies versus privately-held companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(3): 481-496.
Panwar, R., Hansen, E., & Kozak, R. 2014. Evaluating social and environmental issues by integrating the legitimacy gap with expectational gaps: An empirical assessment of the forest industry. Business & Society, 53(6): 853-875.
Hansen, E., Panwar, R., & Vlosky, R. 2014. The global forest sector: Changes, practices, and prospects. Boca Raton: CRC press. 471 pp.
Panwar, R., Rinne, T., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. 2006. Corporate responsibility: Balancing economic, environmental and social issues in the forest products industry. Forest Products Journal, 56(2): 4-12.