Olsen, Michael
Position Type:
Job Title:
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
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Ph.D., Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 2009
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Utah, 2005
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Utah, 2004
Michael Olsen is an Associate Professor of Geomatics in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University. He is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief for the ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering. He has BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Utah and a Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego. He has also worked as an Engineer in Training for West Valley City. His current areas of research include terrestrial laser scanning, remote sensing, GIS, earthquake engineering, hazard mapping, and 3D visualization. He teaches geomatics engineering courses at OSU where he has developed new, ground-breaking courses in 3D laser scanning, Digital Terrain Modeling course and Building Information Modeling. Recent projects he has been involved with include: development of mobile laser scanning guidelines for DOTs, development of advanced point cloud segmentation algorithms, earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance (American Samoa, Chile, Japan, New Zealand, and Nepal), landslide and slope stability analysis, seacliff erosion, liquefaction hazard mapping, and modeling and studying historical buildings such as the Palazzo Medici and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy.