Ober, Holly
Position Type:
Job Title:
Associate Dean for Science Outreach and Program Leader for Forestry & Natural Resources Extension
Outreach and Engagement
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Dean's Office
Office Location:
311 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Ph.D., Forest Science and Wildlife Science, Oregon State University
M.S., Wildlife Conservation and Management, University of Arizona
B.S., Biology, Duke University
Research Interests
- Forest Ecology
- Wildlife Ecology
Research statement: Dr. Ober conducts applied research that seeks to increase understanding of the mechanisms that influence wildlife habitat selection and productivity in forests, with the intention of informing conservation and management strategies.
Holly Ober holds a doctorate from Oregon State University (dual degree from the department of Forest Science and department of Fisheries and Wildlife), a master’s degree from the University of Arizona, and a bachelor’s degree from Duke University. Prior to joining OSU as Associate Dean, she served as Associate Program Leader for Natural Resources in Extension and was a Professor in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida.
Selected Publications:
- Panwar, R., H. Ober, and J. Pinkse. 2023. The uncomfortable relationship between business and biodiversity: Advancing research on business strategies for biodiversity protection. Business Strategy and the Environment 32: 2554-2566.
- Jones, G.M., B. Brosi, J.M. Evans, I.G.W. Gottlieb, X. Loy, M.M. Núñez-Regueiro, H.K. Ober, E. Pienaar, R. Pillay, K. Pisarello, L.L. Smith, and R.J. Fletcher Jr. 2022. Conserving alpha and beta diversity in wood-production landscapes. Conservation Biology 36(3): e13872.
- Hughes, M.J., E.C. Braun de Torrez, E.A. Buckner, and H.K. Ober. 2022. Consumption of endemic arbovirus mosquito vectors by bats in the southeastern United States. Journal of Vector Ecology 47: 153-165.
- Hughes, M.J., E.C. Braun de Torrez, and H.K. Ober. 2021. Big bats binge bad bugs: variation in crop pest consumption by common bat species. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 314.
- Ober, H.K., G.M. Jones, I.G.W. Gottlieb, S.A. Johnson, L. Smith, B. Brosi, and R.J. Fletcher. 2020. Bat community response to intensification of biomass production for bioenergy across the southeastern United States. Ecological Applications 30: e02155.
Extension Title:
Program Leader for Forestry & Natural Resources Extension