Lyons, Kevin
Position Type:
Job Title:
Wes Lematta Professor of Forest Engineering and Director of the Mechanized Harvesting Laboratory
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
354 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Phone Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
Research Areas
Engineering for Sustainable Forestry
Forest Operations Planning and Management
Research Interests
- Forest Road Design
- Harvesting
- Worker Safety
Video documentaries
Lyons C. Kevin. 2017. Felbot: a new tree felling machine. Available online at: https://youtu.be/yz2plJD42Ck
Lyons C. Kevin, Z. Whyte. 2012. Managing unexpected events. Safety Advisory Foundation for Research and Education. Available online at http://youtu.be/UoW2vdQrjSs
Graduate Students:
Courses Taught:
FE 370Harvesting Operations
FE 371Harvesting Process Engineering
FE 416Forest Road System Management
FE 470Logging Mechanics
FE 471Harvesting Management
Selected Publications:
- Lyons C. Kevin, Stelian Alexandru Borz, Campbell Harvey, Muedanyi Ramantswana, Hideo Sakai & Rien Visser. 2022. Forest roads: regional perspectives from around the world, International Journal of Forest Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/14942119.2022.2160916
- Lyons C. Kevin, Jeffrey Wimer & John Sessions. 2022. Developing computer simulations for risk assessment by cable logging rigging crews, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 33:3, 217-225, DOI: 10.1080/14942119.2022.2055411
- John Sessions, Kevin Lyons, Jeff Wimer. 2021. Maximizing the standing skyline log load using a variable length tagline. Forests 2021, 12(7), 927; https://doi.org/10.3390/f12070927
- Mologni, Omar.; Nance, E.D.T.; Lyons, C.K.; Marchi, L.; Grigolato, S.; Cavalli, R.; Roeser, D. 2021. Cable Tensile Forces Associated to Winch Design in Tethered Harvesting Operations: A Case Study from the Pacific North West. Forests 12(7), 817. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12070827
- Lyons C. Kevin, Ali Tabei, Samaneh Sobhani. 2021. Energy absorbing cab guards for log trucks. International Journal of Forest Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/14942119.2021.1940068
- Mologni, Omar, C. Kevin Lyons, Luca Marchi, Dzhamal Amishev, Stefano Grigolato, Raffaele Cacalli, Dominik Roser. 2021. Assessment of cable tensile forces in active winch-assist harvesting using an anchor machine configuration. European Journal of Forest Research (2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-020-01347-8
- Mologni, Omar, Luca Marchi, C. Kevin Lyons, Stefano Grigolato, Raffaele Cavalli, Dominik Röser. 2020. Skyline tensile forces in cable logging: field observations vs. software calculations. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 42(2). DOI: 10.5552/crojfe.2021.722.
- Lyons C. Kevin. John Sessions. Jeffrey Wimer. 2020. The effect on tether tension when using trees to redirect live machine tethers. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 195(2020):89-96.
- Lyons C. Kevin. John Sessions. Jefferey Wimer. 2019. Design of continuous bridle multiple-stump anchors. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 31(1):1-8.
- Omar Mologni. Kevin Lyons. Giulio Zambon. Andrea Rosario Proto. Giuseppe Zimbalatti. Raffaele Cavalli. Stefano Grigolato. 2019. Skyline tensile force monitoring of mobile tower yarders operating in the Italian Alps. the European Journal of Forest Research. 138(5):847-862
- Sessions John, C. Kevin Lyons. 2018. Harvesting elevation potential from mountain forests. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 29(3):192-198.
- Lyons C. Kevin. 2018. Are British Columbia forestry workers achieving recommended sleep levels? International Journal of Forest Engineering. 29(2):92-98.
- Man Cosmin D., Kevin C. Lyons, John D. Nelson, and Gary Q. Bull. 2016. Cost to produce carbon credits through fluctuating harvest levels in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 46(11): 1302-1309.
- Greg Demille and Lyons, C. Kevin. 2016. Unexpected events when manually falling trees in coastal British Columbia. Forest Science. 62(4): 433-439.
- McLeod CB, Sarkany D (MSc student), Davies H, Lyons K, Koehoorn M. 2015. Prevention in dangerous industries: does safety certification prevent tree faller injuries? Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 41(5):478–485.
- Lyons, C. Kevin and Greg Demille. 2015. Management requiring conditions when manually falling trees. The Forestry Chronicle. 91(03):299-305.
- Lyons C. Kevin. 2015. New development of a remotely operated falling wedge. The Forestry Chronicle. 91(2): 176-181.
- Man Cosmin D., Kevin C. Lyons, John D. Nelson, and Gary Q. Bull. 2015. Cost to produce Carbon credits by reducing the harvest level in British Columbia, Canada. Forest Policy and Economics. 52:9-17.
- Lyons C. Kevin, Sessions John, Wimer Jeff. 2014. The adequacy of falling object protection design criteria for feller bunchers. Forest Science. 60(4):757-763.
- Man Cosmin D., Kevin C. Lyons, John D. Nelson, and Gary Q. Bull. 2013.Potential of alternate forest management practices to sequester and store Carbon in two forest estates in British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Managment. 305:239-247.
- Lyons, C. Kevin. Ewart James. 2012. The Wood duck; a new tree falling tool. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 27(3):137-142
- Lyons C. Kevin, Sessions John, Wimer Jeff. 2012. Effect of undercut style and post hinge behaviour in tree felling. Forest Science. 58(6):547-558
- Lyons C. Kevin, Noll Florian. 2011 Optimizing a novel method for manually falling trees. Forestry Chronicle. 87:(04) 537-541
- Noll Florian, Lyons C. Kevin. 2010. A novel method for manually falling trees. Forestry Chronicle, 86(5):608-613
- Lyons, C. Kevin, Xing, Li, Nelson, John, D. 2010. Using LME in helicopter logging data. Forest Science. 56(4):356-365.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, and Day, Ken. 2009. Temporary logging roads surfaced with mulched wood, Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 24(3):124-127.
- Lyons, C. Kevin. 2008. An anisotropic heterogeneous beam with overspecified boundary conditions, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Solids, 3(8):1549-1559.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, Lansdowne, Matthew, and Bennett, D. M. 2007. Load sharing in gravel decked log stringer bridges, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 19(1):41-49.
- Lyons, C. Kevin. 2007. Considering cable stretch in logging applications, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 19(1):28-34.
- Shetty, MithunK. and Lyons, C. Kevin. 2006. An onboard load measuring device for off-highway log trucks. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 18(1):33-40.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, and Fannin, R. Jonathan. 2006. A comparison of two design methods for unpaved roads reinforced with geogrids. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 43:1389-1394.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, and Lansdowne, Matthew. 2006. Vertical stress in the gravel decking of log bridges. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 21(2):61-67.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, and Bennett, D.M. 2005. The effect of taper on the MOE of log stringers. Journal of Wood Science and Technology. 39(7):560-568.
- Saravi, A., and Lyons, C. Kevin. 2004. Finite Element Modeling of Guyed Backspars in Cable Logging. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34:817-828.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, and McNeel, J. F. 2004. Partial Retention and Helicopter Turn Volume. Forest Products Journal. 54:58-61.
- Lyons, C. Kevin. 2002. Stress Functions for a Heterogeneous Section of a Tree. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 39:4615-4625
- Lyons, C. Kevin, Guenther, Ronald B., and Pyles, Marvin R. 2002. Considering Heterogeneity in a Cylindrical Section of a Tree. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 39:4665-4675.
- Lyons, C. Kevin, Guenther, Ronald B., and Pyles, Marvin R. 2002. Elastic Equations for a Cylindrical Section of a Tree. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 39:4773-4786.
- Pyles, Marvin R., and Lyons, C. Kevin. 2001. Analysis of Unguyed Spar Trees. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 12(2):11-17.