Leshchinsky, Ben
Position Type:
Job Title:
Associate Professor
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
236 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Phone Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Columbia University in the City of New York, 2012
M.Phil, Civil Engineering, Columbia University in the City of New York, 2010
M.S., Civil Engineering, Columbia University in the City of New York, 2008
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, 2007
Research Areas
Engineering for Sustainable Forestry
Research Interests
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Landslide Hazards
- Slope Stability
- Landslide Monitoring
- Numerical Modeling
- Geosynthetics
Ben is the Richardson Chair in Forest Engineering, Resources and Management.
Graduate Students:
Courses Taught:
- FE 315Soil Engineering - Winter Term - 4 CreditsPrerequisites: ENGR 213 and CE 311 or CEM 311 or FE 330
Use of soil in engineering and construction. Identification and classification. Engineering properties of soil: permeability, compressibility, and strength. Compaction principles and methods. Field control of soil engineering projects. - FE 316Soil Mechanics - Spring Term - 4 CreditsPrerequisites: FE 315 or CE 372
Soil strength and soil mechanics theories applied to analysis of slope stability, retaining structures, foundations, and pavements. - CE 57x / FE 57xDesigning with Geosynthetics - Spring Term (2015) - 3 CreditsUse and design with geosynthetics as hydraulic barriers, hydraulic channels, erosion control, and mechanical reinforcement in slopes, walls, subgrades and structures.
Selected Publications:
- Yang, S., Leshchinsky, B., Cui, K., Zhang, F., & Gao, Y. (2020). Influence of failure mechanism on seismic bearing capacity factors for shallow foundations near slopes. Géotechnique, 1-46.
- Alberti, S., Senogles, A., Kingen, K., Booth, A., Castro, P., DeKoekkoek, J., Glover-Cutter, K. Mohney, C., Olsen, M., and B. Leshchinsky. (2020). The Hooskanaden Landslide: Historic and Recent Surge Behavior of an Active Earthflow on the Oregon Coast. Landslides.
- Bunn, M., Leshchinsky, B., and M. Olsen. (2020). Estimates of Three-Dimensional Rupture Surface Geometry of Deep-Seated Landslides using Landslide Inventories and High-Resolution Topographic Data. Geomorphology.
- Bunn, M., Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M., and A. Booth (2019). “A Simplified, Object-Based Framework for Efficient Landslide Inventorying Using Lidar Digital Elevation Model Derivatives.” Remote Sensing.
- Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M. Mohney, C., O’Banion, M., Bunn, M., Allan, J., and R. McClung. (2019). “A Framework for Quantifying Progressive Landslide Movement Stemming from Undercutting Processes and Hydrological Changes.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. In press.
- Stockton, E., Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M. and T.M. Evans (2019). “Influence of Anisotropic Shear Strength on the Formation of Tension Cracks and Stability of Slopes”. Engineering Geology.