Jared LeBoldus

LeBoldus, Jared

Position Type:
Job Title:
Associate Professor
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
252 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Phone Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
2010 University of Alberta- PhD, Forest Biology and Management
2006 University of Alberta-M.Sc., Forest Biology and Management
2003 University of British Columbia-B.Sc. Honors, Forest Science
Research Areas
Silviculture, Fire, Forest Health and Biodiversity
Research Interests
  • Botany
Selected Publications:
  1. Rennie, D.C., Holtz, M.D., Turkington, T.K., LeBoldus, J.M. Hwang, S.-F., Howard, R.J., Strelkov, S.E. (2015) Movement of Plasmodiophora brassicae resting spores in windblown dust. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 37: 188-196.
  2. McGinnis, E., Kinzer, K. LeBoldus, J.M. (2015) First Report of Impatiens Downy Mildew caused by Plasmopara obducens in North Dakota. Plant Disease 99: 1039.
  3. LeBoldus, J.M. Kinzer, K., Richards, J., Zhu, Y., Yan, C., Friesen, T.L., Brueggeman, R. (2015) Genotype-by-sequencing of the plant pathogenic fungi Pyrenophora teres and Sphaerulina musiva utilizing Ion torrent sequence technology. Molecular Plant Pathology.(doi: 10.1111/mpp.12214)
  4. Qin, R., LeBoldus, J.M. (2014) The infection biology of Sphaerulina musiva: clues to understanding a forest pathogen. PloS ONE. e103446.
  5. Qin, R., Stanosz G.R., LeBoldus J.M. (2014) A non-wounding greenhouse screening protocol for prediction of field resistance of hybrid poplar to Septoria canker. Plant Disease 98: 1106-1111.
  6. Liang, H., Staton, M., Xu, Y., Xu, T., and LeBoldus, J.M. (2014) Comparative expression analysis of resistant and susceptible Populus clones inoculated with Septoria musiva. Plant Science 223: 69-78.
  7. LeBoldus, J.M., Isabel N., Floate K.D., Blenis P.V., Thomas B.R. (2013) Testing the 'hybrid susceptibility' and 'phenological sink' hypotheses using the P. balsamifera – P. deltoides hybrid zone and Septoria leaf spot [Septoria musiva] PLoS ONE. e84437.
  8. LeBoldus, J.M., Zhang, Q., Kinzer, K. (2012) First report of dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on Agrostis stolonifera in North Dakota. Plant Disease 96: 1071.
  9. LeBoldus, J.M., Manolii, V.P., Turkington, T.K., Strelkov, S.E. (2012) Adaptation to Brassica host genotypes by a single-spore isolate and population of Plasmodiophora brassicae [clubroot]. Plant Disease 96: 833-838.