Johnson, Jim
Position Type:
Job Title:
Emeritus Professor
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Phone Number:
B.S. 1974. Watershed Sciences. Colorado State University
M.S. 1976. Forestry. University of Maine
Ph.D. 1981. Forestry. Virginia Tech
Research Interests
- Extension
- Forest Management
- Silviculture
Selected Publications:
- Creighton, J. H., C.A. Berger, and J. E. Johnson. 2019. Key issues affecting Oregon family forest owners: A Scoping review of the literature and survey analysis of educational service providers. Small Scale Forestry 18(4):411-417.
- Rasamoelina, M. S., J. E. Johnson, and R. B. Hull. 2016. Relating extension education to the adoption of sustainable forest management practices. Forestry Chronicle. 92(4):412-417.
- Johnson, J.E. 2010. Extension in forestry: Lessons from a century of experience. Forestry Ideas 16(1):5-10
- Rasamoelina, M.S., J. E. Johnson, and R. B. Hull. 2010. Adoption of woodland management practices by private forest owners in Virginia. Forest Science 56(5):444-452.
- Eisenbies, M. H., C. Davidson, J. E. Johnson, R. Amateis, and K. Gottschalk. 2007. Tree mortality in mixed pine-hardwood stands defoliated by the European gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.). Forest Science 53(6):683-691.
- Smith, G. K. M. and J. E. Johnson. 2007. Breaking trail through mountains – forest policy implementation case studies. Forestry Chronicle. 83(5):699-707.
- Johnson, J .E., J. H. Creighton, and E. R. Norland. 2007. An International Perspective on Successful Strategies in Forestry Extension: A Focus on Extensionists. Journal of Extension. 45(2)
- Johnson, J. E., J. H. Creighton, and E. R. Norland. 2006. Building a Foundation for Success in Natural Resources Extension Education. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education. 13(3): 33-46
- Johnson, J. E., and O. J. Delgado. 2005. Agroforestry adoption potential in Cape Verde. Small-Scale Forest Economics, Management, and Policy 4(2):205-214.
- Bruce, F. A., Jr., and J. E. Johnson. 2004. Graduate program in Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Education: An International Needs Assessment. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 11(1):35-44.
- Johnson, J. E., and O. J. Delgado*. 2003. Farmer perspectives on agroforestry opportunities and constraints in Cape Verde. Small-Scale Forest Economics, Management, and Policy 2(3):343-355.
- Aust, W. M., A. Azola*, and J. E. Johnson. 2003. Management effects on erosion of Civil War military earthworks. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 58(1):13-20.
- Johnson, J. E., D. O. Mitchem*, and R. E. Kreh. 2003. Establishing royal paulownia on the Virginia Piedmont. New Forests 25:11-23.
- Rantis, P. A.*, and J. E. Johnson. 2002. Understory development in canopy gaps of pine and pine-hardwood forests of the upper Coastal Plain of Virginia. Plant Ecology 159:103-115.
- Davidson, C. B.*, J. E. Johnson, K. W. Gottschalk, and R. L. Amateis. 2001. Prediction of stand susceptibility and gypsy moth defoliation in Coastal Plain mixed pine-hardwoods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31:1914-1921.
- Kochenderfer, J. D.*, S. M. Zedaker, J. E. Johnson, D. Wm. Smith, and G. W. Miller. 2001. Herbicide crop tree release in Central West Virginia. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 18(2):46-54.
- Dedrick, J. P.*, T. E. Hall, R. B. Hull, and J. E. Johnson. 2000. The Forest Bank – An experiment in managing fragmented forests. Journal of Forestry 98(3):22-25.