Jayawickrama, Keith
Position Type:
Job Title:
Director of the Northwest Tree Improvement Cooperative
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Office Location:
220 Richardson Hall
Phone Number:
B.S., University of Colombo, 1986
M.S., North Carolina State University, 1990
M.Stat, North Carolina State University, 1996
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1996
Research Interests
- Forest Genetics
- Tree Breeding
My priority is promoting, directing, and supporting cooperative tree improvement activities for important conifer species (Douglas-fir, western hemlock, coastal redwood, and western red cedar) in the US Pacific Northwest.
Selected Publications:
- Jayawickrama, KJS and Ye, TZ. 2020. Cooperative Second-Cycle Breeding and Test¬ing of Coastal Douglas-fir in the US Pacific Northwest: Strategy, Implementation, and Op¬erational Aspects. Silvae Genetica (2020) 69, 98 – 107.
- Joo, S, Maguire, DA, Jayawickrama, KJS, Ye, TZ, J. and St. Clair JB. 2020. Estimation of yield gains at rotation-age from genetic tree improvement in coast Douglas-fir. Forest Ecology and Management. 466 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020. 117930
- Howe, GT, Jayawickrama, K, Kolpak SE, Kling, J, Trappe, M, Hipkins, V, Ye, T, Guida, S, Cronn, R, Cushman, SA and McEvoy, S. 2020. An Axiom SNP genotyping array for Douglas-fir. BMC Genomics (2020) 21:9.
- Geleynse, Scott, Keith Jayawickrama, Matt Trappe, Terrance Ye & Xiao Zhang 2016. Genetic Parameters of Factors Affecting the Biomass Recalcitrance of Douglas Fir Trees. BioEnergy Research DOI 10.1007/s12155-016-9718-2
- Lowell, E.C., Maguire, D.A. Briggs, D.G., Turnblom, E.C., Jayawickrama, K. J.S. and Bryce, J. 2014. Effects of Silviculture and Genetics on Branch/Knot Attributes of Coastal Pacific Northwest Douglas-Fir and Implications for Wood Quality—A Synthesis. Forests 2014, 5, 1717-1736; doi:10.3390/f5071717
- Ye, T.Z and Jayawickrama, K.J.S. 2014. Geographic variation and local growth superiority for coastal Douglas-fir – rotation-age growth performance in a Douglas-fir provenance test. Silvae Genetica 59(1): 29-39.
- Geleynse, S., Alvarez-Vasco, C., Garcia, K., Jayawickrama, K., Trappe, M. and Zhang, X. 2014. A Multi-Level Analysis Approach to Measuring Variations in Biomass Recalcitrance of Douglas fir Tree Samples. BioEnergy Research DOI:10.1007/s12155-014-9483-z
- Urhan, O., Kolpak, S.E., Jayawickrama, KJS, Howe, GT. 2014. Early genetic selection for wood stiffness in juvenile Douglas-fir and western hemlock Forest Ecology and Management 320: 104-117.
- Jayawickrama K.J.S., L.K. Miller and D.W. Cress 2013. Coastal Douglas-Fir Controlled Crossing Guidelines. Tree Planters Notes 56(1): 60-73
- Ye, T. Z. and Jayawickrama, K.J.S. 2012. Early selection for improving volume growth in coastal Douglas-fir breeding programs. Silvae Genetica 61(4-5): 186-198.
- Jayawickrama KJS Ye, TZ and Howe, G. 2010. Heritabilities, intertrait genetic correlations, G x E interaction and predicted genetic gains for acoustic velocity in mid-rotation coastal Douglas fir. Silvae Genetica 60(1): 8-18.
- Ye, TZ, Jayawickrama KJS and St Clair JB. 2009. Realized gains from block-plot coastal Douglas-fir trials in the Northern Oregon Cascades. Silvae Genetica 59(1): 29-39.
- Ye, T. Z. and Jayawickrama, K. J. S. 2008. Efficiency of using spatial analysis in first-generation coastal Douglas-fir progeny tests in the US Pacific Northwest. Tree Genetics & Genomes 4: 677-692.
- McKeand SE, Li B, Grissom JE, Isik F and Jayawickrama KJS. 2008. Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits from diallel tests of loblolly pine throughout the southeastern United States. Silvae Genetica 57:101-110.
- Ye, Terrance Z., Jayawickrama Keith JS, and Johnson GR. 2007. Efficiency of Including First-generation Information in Second-generation Ranking and Selection: Results of Computer Simulation. Tree Genetics and Genomes 3: 319-328.
- Howe, G, K Jayawickrama, GR Johnson, M Cherry and NC Wheeler. 2005. Breeding Douglas-fir. Invited book chapter on the genetic improvement of Douglas-fir. Pp. 245-353. In: Plant Breeding Reviews, v. 27. J. Janick (ed). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.