Hessburg, Paul
Position Type:
Job Title:
Courtesy Professor
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Phone Number:
2023, Distinguished Landscape Ecologist, Int. Assoc. for Landscape Ecology-North America
2022-2024, President of the International Association for Fire Ecology (AFE)
2017, Distinguished Scientist, Pacific Northwest Research Station
2018, Distinguished Scientist, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
PhD, 1984, Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis
BS, 1978, Ecosystem Analysis and Silviculture, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Research Interests
- Fire Ecology
- Forest Pathology
- Landscape Ecology
- Landscape Restoration
- Climate Change Adaptation
Current research interests: Wildfire and climate change effects on landscape dynamics, and the structure and organization of historical, current, and future landscape resilience
Appointment length: 02/15/2018 - 02/14/2026; Collaborators: John Bailey; Skye Greenler.
Selected Publications:
- Povak NA, Hessburg PF, Salter RB, et al. 2023. System-level feedbacks of active fire regimes in large landscapes. Fire Ecology: 19, 45.
- Larson, A. J., S. M. A. Jeronimo, P. F. Hessburg, et al. 2022. Invited Tamm Review: Ecological principles to guide post-fire forest landscape management in the Inland Pacific and Northern Rocky Mountain regions. For. Ecol. Manage. 504: 119680
- Hessburg PF, Charnley S, Gray AN, et al. 2021. Climate and Wildfire Adaptation of Inland Northwest Forests. Front. Ecol. Env. 20(1): 40–48.
- Hessburg PF, Prichard SJ, Hagmann RK, et al. 2021. Wildfire and Climate Change Adaptation of Western North American Forests: A Case for Intentional Management. Ecol. Appl. 31(8): e02432
- Hagmann RK, Hessburg PF, Prichard SJ, et al. 2021. Evidence for Widespread Changes in the Structure, Composition, and Fire Regimes of Western North American Forests. Ecol. Appl. 31(8): e02431
- Prichard, SJ, Hessburg PF, Hagmann RK, et al. 2021. Adapting Western North American Forests to Climate Change and Wildfires: Ten common questions. Ecol. Appl. 31(8), 2021, e02433