Hatten, Jeff
Position Type:
Job Title:
FERM Department Head
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
234 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Phone Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
PhD, 2007, Forest Resources, University of Washington
BS, 1999, Environmental Science, Western Washington University
Research Areas
Forest Soil and Watershed Processes
Research Interests
- Biogeochemistry
- Soil Science
Soil productivity, effects of fire on soil, impact of silviculture on sediment transport and water quality.
Graduate Students:
Selected Publications:
- Heckman, K.A., L.E. Nave, M.M. Bowman, A.C. Gallo*, J. Hatten, L. Matosziuk*, A.R. Possinger, M.D. SanClements, B.D. Strahm, T.L. Weiglein*, C. Rasmussen and C.W. Swanston. 2021. Challenges to the current paradigm of soil organic C stabilization: Divergent controls on carbon concentrations and stability in forests and grasslands of the conterminous US. Biogeochemistry, Published online November 4, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s10533-020-00725-z
- Nave, L., M. Bowman, A. Gallo*, J. Hatten, K. Heckman, L. Matosziuk*, A. Possinger, M. SanClements, J. Sanderman, B. Strahm, T. Weiglein*, and C. Swanston. 2021. Patterns and predictors of soil organic carbon storage across a continental-scale network. Biogeochemistry, Published online January 30, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10533-020-00745-9.
- Pellegrini, A.F.S., A.C. Caprio, K. Georgiou, C. Finnegan, S.E. Hobbie, J.A. Hatten, R.B. Jackson. 2021. Low-intensity frequent fires in coniferous forests transform soil organic matter that may offset ecosystem carbon losses. Submitted to Global Change Biology March 1, 2021. Accepted for publication April 7, 2021.
- Stokely, T., U. Kormann, J. Verschuyl, A. Kroll, D. Frey, S. Harris, D. Mainwaring, D. Maguire, J. Hatten, J. Rivers, S. Fitzgerald, and M. Betts. 2021. Birds, bees, deer, or trees: an experimental approach to evaluating trade-offs among conservation and production services in forest plantations. Submitted to Journal of Applied Ecology on January 27, 2021. Accepted for publication April 29, 2021.
- McLauchlan, K. P. Higuera, J. Miesel, B. Rogers, J. Schweitzer, J. Shuman, A. Tepley, J. Varner, T. Veblen, S. Adalsteinsson, P. Baker, J. Balch, E. Batllori Presas, E. Bigio, P. Brando, M. Cattau, M. Chipman, J. Coen, R. Crandall, L. Daniels, N. Enright, W. Gross, B. Harvey, J. Hatten, S. Hermann, R. Hewitt, L. Kobziar, J. Landesmann, M.M. Loranty, S.Y. Maezumi, L. Mearns, M. Moritz, J. Myers, J. Pausas, A. Pellegrini, W. Platt, J. Roozeboom, H. Safford, F. Santos, R. Scheller, R. Sherriff, K. Smith, M. Smith, A. Watts. 2020. Fire as a fundamental ecological process: research advances and frontiers. Journal of Ecology 108 (5): 2047-2069. doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13403
- Littke, K.M., T.B. Harrington, R.A. Slesak, S.M. Holub, J.A. Hatten, A. C. Gallo*, W.R. Littke, R.B. Harrison, and E.C. Turnblom. 2020. Impacts of organic matter removal and vegetation control on nutrition and growth of Douglas-fir at three Pacific Northwestern Long-Term Soil Productivity sites. Forest Ecology and Management 468 (118176). doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118176
- Matosziuk*, L., J.A. Hatten, A. Gallo*, K. Heckman, K.D. Bladon, D. Ruud, L.E. Nave, B.D. Strahm, T. Weiglein*, M. SanClements, J. Egan, and M. Bowman. 2020. Fire Effects on Soil Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3. doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2020.00006
- Segura, C., K.D. Bladon, J.A. Hatten, J.A. Jones, and V.C. Hale. 2020. Long-term effects of forest harvesting on summer low flow deficits and annual water yield in the Oregon Coast Range: Alsea Watershed Study Revisited. Journal of Hydrology 585 (124749). doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124749
- Talucci A.C., L.M. Matosziuk*, J.A. Hatten, and M.A. Krawchuk. 2020. Pyrogenic carbon boost when wildland fires burn through forests with high pre-fire mortality. Fire Ecology 16(21). doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3959377
- Holub, S. and J.A. Hatten. 2019. Soil carbon storage in Douglas-fir forests of western Oregon and Washington before and after modern timber harvesting practices. Soil Science Society of America Journal 83(s1) S175-S186. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2018.09.0354
- Lan, Y., D.C. Shaw, G. Ritóková, and J.A. Hatten. 2019. Associations between Swiss Needle Cast Severity and Foliar Nutrients in Young-growth Douglas-fir in Coastal Western Oregon and southwestern Washington, USA. Forest Science 65(5): 537-542. doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxz022
- Matosziuk*, L.M., Y. Alleau*, B.K. Kerns, J. Bailey, M.G. Johnson, and J.A. Hatten. 2019. Effects of season and interval of prescribed burns on pyrogenic carbon in ponderosa pine stands in Malheur National Forest. Geoderma 348: 1-11. doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.04.009
For a full list of publications, visit: