Troy Hall

Hall, Troy

Position Type:
Job Title:
Associate Dean of the OSU Honors College
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Ph.D., Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 1996, Forest Resources
M.A., Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1990, Cultural Anthropology
B.A., Pomona College, Claremont, California, 1985, Anthropology
Research Areas
Sustainable Recreation and Tourism
Social Science, Policy and Natural Resources
Research Interests
  • Environmental Communication
  • Natural Resources
  • Outdoor Recreation
Values and Attitudes Related to Natural Resource Management; Recreation Planning and Management (Wilderness and Protected Areas Focus); Environmental Communication; Public Understanding of Science; Interdisciplinary Research; Research Methods
Troy Hall is tenured in FES and serves as the Associate Dean of the OSU Honors College.
Selected Publications:
  1. Davidson, A., and Hall, T. E. (In press). Should wilderness be natural or wild? Bridger Wilderness visitors’ attitudes about management of disturbance. International Journal of Wilderness.

  2. Hall, T. E., and Amberg, S. M. (2013). Factors influencing consumption of farmed seafood products in the Pacific northwest. Appetite, 66, 1-9.

  3. Schnapp, L. M., Rotschy, L., Hall, T. E., Crowley, S. C., and O’Rourke, M. R. (2012). How to talk to strangers: Facilitating knowledge sharing within translational health teams with the Toolbox dialogue method. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 2(4), 469-479.

  4. Wilson, P. I., Hall, T. E., and Kruger, L. E. (2012). Riparian area protection and outdoor recreation: Lessons from the Northwest Forest Plan, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, (4)2, 131-141

  5. Hall, T. E., Wilson, P., and Newman, J. (2011). Evaluating the short- and long-term effects of a modified deliberative poll on Idahoans' attitudes and civic engagement related to energy options. Journal of Public Deliberation, 7(1), Article 6.

  6. Lewis, A., Hall, T. E., and Black, A. (2011). Career stages in wildland firefighting: Implications for voice in risky situations. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20, 115-124

  7. Amberg, S. M., and Hall, T. E. (2010). Precision and rhetoric in media reporting about contamination in farmed salmon. Science Communication, 32(4), 489-513

  8. Cole, D. N., and Hall, T. E. (2010). Experiencing the restorative components of wilderness environments: Does congestion interfere and does length of exposure matter? Environment & Behavior, 42(6), 806-823.

  9. Cole, David N.; Hall, Troy E. (2010). Privacy functions and wilderness recreation: Use density and length of stay effects on experience. Ecopsychology 2(2), 67-75.

  10. Hall, T. E., Ham, S. H., and Lackey, B. K. (2010). Comparative evaluation of the attention capture and holding power of novel signs aimed at park visitors. Journal of Interpretation Research, 15(1), 15-36

  11. Hall, T. E., Seekamp, E., and Cole, D. N. (2010). Do recreation motivations and wilderness involvement relate to support for wilderness management? A segmentation analysis. Leisure Sciences, 32(2), 109-124.

  12. Nielsen-Pincus, M., Hall, T., Force, J. E., and Wulfhorst, J. D. (2010). Sociodemographic effects on place bonding. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(4), 443-454.

  13. Seekamp, E., Harris, C., Hall, T. E., and Craig, T. Y. (2010). A mixed methods approach to measuring depth of group information processing in the context of deliberative public involvement. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 4(3), 222-247

  14. Cole, D. N., & Hall, T. E. (2009). Perceived effects of setting attributes on visitor experiences in wilderness: Variation with situational context and visitor characteristics. Environmental Management, 44, 24-36.

  15. Hall, T. E. and Slothower, M. (2009). Cognitive factors affecting homeowners’ reactions to defensible space in the Oregon Coast Range. Society & Natural Resources, 22 (2), 95-110.

  16. Morse, W. C., Hall, T. E., and Kruger, L. (2008). Improving the integration of recreation with other resource values by applying concepts of scale from ecological theory. Environmental Management, 43, 369-380.

  17. Amberg, S. and Hall, T. E. (2008). Communicating risks and benefits of aquaculture: A content analysis of U.S. newsprint representations of farmed salmon. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 39(2), 143-157.

  18. Brown, R. N. K., Rosenberger, R. S., Kline, J. D., Hall, T. E., and Needham, M. D. (2008). Visitor preferences for managing wilderness recreation after wildfire. Journal of Forestry, Jan/Feb, 9-16.

  19. Hall, T. E. and White, D. D. (2008). Representing recovery: Science and local control in the framing of U.S. Pacific Northwest salmon policy. Human Ecology Review 15(1), 32-45.