![Michelle Day](/sites/directory.forestry.oregonstate.edu/files/styles/person_photos_500x500/public/person_photos/MDay_2022.jpg?itok=okYP3LFv)
Day, Michelle
Position Type:
Job Title:
Courtesy Faculty
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Office Location:
249.1 FSL
Phone Number:
B.A., 1996 (biology), Bates College, Lewiston, ME
M.S., 2005 (botany and plant pathology), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Research Interests
- Botany
- Data Management
- Disturbance Ecology
- Ecological Modeling
- Fire Ecology
- Forest Ecology
- Forest Management
- Geographic Information Science
- Statistics
Selected Publications:
- Ager, A. A., A. M. G. Barros, and M. A. Day. 2022. Contrasting effects of future wildfire and forest management scenarios on a fire excluded western US landscape. Landscape Ecology 37:1091–1112
- Alcasena, F. J., A. A. Ager, P. Belavenutti, M. Krawchuk, and M. A. Day. 2022. Contrasting the efficiency of landscape versus community protection fuel treatment strategies to reduce wildfire exposure and risk. Journal of Environmental Managemen 309t: 114650. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114650
- Belavenutti, P., A. A. Ager, W. Chung, and M. A. Day. 2022. Designing forest restoration projects to optimize the application of broadcast burning. Ecological Economics 201: 107558.
- Bunzel, K., A. A. Ager, M. A. Day, C. Ringo, and C. Evers. 2022. Smoothed raster of wildfire transmission to buildings in the continental United States. Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Loeffler, D., S. Anderes, R. Houtman, A. A. Ager, and M. A. Day. 2022. Forest management activity costs in the continental United States. Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Ager, A. A., M. A. Day, F. J. Alcasena, C. R. Evers, K. C. Short, and I. Grenfell. 2021. Predicting Paradise: Modeling future wildfire disasters in the western US. Science of The Total Environment 784:147057.
- Ager, A. A., M. A. Day, C. Ringo, C. R. Evers, F. J. Alcasena, R. Houtman, M. Scanlon, and T. Ellersick. 2021. Development and application of the Fireshed Registry. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-425, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.
- Ager, A. A., M. A. Day, A. Waltz, M. Nigrelli, M. Lata, and K. Vogler. 2021. Balancing ecological and economic objectives in restoration of fire frequent forests – Case study from the Four Forest Restoration Initiative. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-424, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.
- Ager, A. A., C. R. Evers, M. A. Day, F. J. Alcasena, and R. Houtman. 2021. Planning for future fire: Scenario analysis of an accelerated fuel reduction plan for the western United States. Landscape and Urban Planning 215:104212
- Barros, A. M. G., M. A. Day, H. Preisler, J. Abatzoglou, M. A. Krawchuck, R. Houtman, and A. A. Ager. 2021. Contrasting the role of human- and lightning-caused wildfires on future fire regimes on a Central Oregon landscape. Environmental Research Letters 16: 064081. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac03da
- Barros, A. M. G., M. A. Day, T. Spies, and A. A. Ager. 2021. Effects of ownership patterns on cross-boundary wildfires. Scientific Reports 11: 19319. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98730-1
- Day, M. A., R. Houtman, P. Belavenutti, C. Ringo, A. A. Ager, and S. Bassett. 2021. An assessment of forest and woodland restoration priorities to address wildfire risk in New Mexico. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-423, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.
- Day, M. A., C. Ringo, and A. A. Ager. 2021. Assessment of wildfire exposure to public water supply areas in Oregon. Pages 248-264 in J. Souder, editor. Trees to Tap: How forest practices affect Oregon’s municipal water. Oregon State University Extension Service and Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Corvallis, Oregon.
- Palaiologou, P., K. Kalabokidis, A. A. Ager, S. Galatsidas, L. Papalampros, and M. A. Day. 2021. Spatial optimization and tradeoffs of alternative forest management scenarios in Macedonia, Greece. Forests 12: 697.
- Palaiologou, P., K. Kalabokidis, A. Y. Troumbis, M. A. Day, M. Nielsen-Pincus, and A. A. Ager. 2021. Socio-ecological perceptions of wildfire nanagement and effects in Greece. Fire 4: 18. doi: 10.3390/fire4020018
- Ager, A. A., A. M. Barros, R. Houtman, R. Seli, and M. A. Day. 2020. Modelling the effect of accelerated forest management on long-term wildfire activity. Ecological Modelling 421: 108962.
- Evers, C., C. Ringo, A. A. Ager, M. A. Day, F. J. Alcasena, and K. Bunzel. 2020. The Fireshed Registry: Fireshed and project area boundaries. Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Kerns, B. K., C. Tortorelli, M. A. Day, T. Nietupski, A. M. G. Barros, J. B. Kim, and M. A. Krawchuck. 2020. Invasive grasses: A new perfect storm for forested ecosystems? Forest Ecology and Management 463: 117985. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.117985
- Palaiologou, P., K. Kalabokidis, A. A. Ager, and M. A. Day. 2020. Development of comprehensive fuel management strategies for reducing wildfire risk in Greece. Forests 11: 789. doi: 10.3390/f11080789