D'Antonio, Ashley
- Human Dimensions
- Outdoor Recreation
- Recreation Ecology
FES 351Outdoor Recreation Management on Public Lands
FES 357Parks and Protected Area Management
FES 456Planning for Sustainable Recreation
Sidder, S.A., D’Antonio, A., Hall, T.E., Dinkins, J.B., Bredeweg, E.M., Monz, C.A., (2023). Can we predict visitor movement? Using step selection function analysis to map high probability camping areas in a remote Alaskan wilderness. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning. 237, 104796.
D’Antonio, A., Taff, B.D., Baker, J., Rice, W.L., Newton, J.N., Miller, Z.D., Newman, P., Monz, C., Freeman, S. (2021). Integrating aspatial visitor questionnaire data with multiple geospatial methodologies to improve visitor management: An example from Grand Teton National Park, WY, USA. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (Special Issue: Innovative Methodologies in Park and Recreation Management), 39(1), 67-84.
Gutzwiller, K., D’Antonio, A., Monz, C. (2017) Quantifying recreation disturbance for broad-scale predictive modeling and management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (9), 517-524.