Mindy Crandall

Crandall, Mindy

Position Type:
Job Title:
Associate Professor in Forest Policy and FERM Associate Department Head
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
232 Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC)
Graduate Major Advisor
A.A., Native American Studies, Salish Kootenai College, 1994
B.S., Forest Management, OSU, 1998
M.S., Resource Economics, OSU, 2004
Ph.D., Applied Economics, OSU, 2014
Research Areas
Forest Policy Analysis and Economics
Research Interests
  • Forest Economics
  • Forest Policy, Private
  • Forest Policy, Public
  • Human Dimensions
  • Rural Development
My Forests, Industries, and Communities Lab is focused on the intersection between forests and human communities, particularly in the US. I’m interested in how these two systems interact through the forest products industry/labor market and through people’s attachment to place, and how people make decisions about managing forests.
Courses Taught:
  • FOR 460/FE 460
    Forest Policy (Writing Intensive)
  • FOR 461
    Forest Policy Analysis (odd years, winter term)
  • FOR 561
    Forest Policy and Analysis (even years, winter term)
Selected Publications:
  1. Reilley, C., M.S. Crandall, J.D. Kline, J.B. Kim, J. deDiego. 2023. The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Human Wildfire Ignitions in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Fire 6(8): 300-.
  2. Deak, A., H. Huber-Stearns, M.S. Crandall, K. Poudel, E.J. Davis, M.R. Coughlan, C. Wilmsen. 2023. Documenting twenty years of the contracted labor-intensive forestry workforce on National Forest System lands in the United States. Journal of Forestry.
  3. Goldstein, B., M.S. Crandall, and E.C. Kelly. 2023. “The cost of doing business”: Private rights, public resources, and the resulting diversity of state-level forestry policies in the U.S. Land Use Policy 132, 106792-.
  4. Reilley, C. and M. S. Crandall. 2022. Social Vulnerability Index for the State of Oregon [data set]. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
  5. Kelly, E.C. and M.S. Crandall. 2022. State-level forestry policies across the US: Discourses reflecting the tension between private property rights and public trust resources. Forest Policy and Economics 141: 102757.
  6. Granstrom, M., M.S. Crandall, L.S. Kenefic, A.R. Weiskittel. 2022. Tree quality and value: results in northern conifer stands after 65 years of silviculture and harvest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 52: 794-807.
  7. Bernsen, N.R., M.S. Crandall, J.E. Leahy, and C. Biddle. 2022. How far to go? Community influences on youth educational aspirations in rural, resource-dependent places. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 8(3): 189–207.
  8. Bernsen, N.R., M.S. Crandall, J.E. Leahy, J. Abrams, and C. Colocousis. 2022. Do rural youth want to stay rural? Influences on residential aspirations of youth in forest-located communities. Community Development.
  9. Bothwell, K.N., M.S. Crandall, A.M. Roth. 2021. Silviculture for deer and timber: A multiple-use policy analysis reveals important implementation barriers. Forests 12(11): 1436.
  10. Crandall, M.S., J.E. Leahy, *N. Bernsen, J. Abrams, A. Ellison, A. Carleton, and **L. Capodilupo. 2020. Rural Youth Futures: Fact Sheets by School and County (series of 14, 4p each).
  11. Crandall, M.S., K.L. Costanza, J.M. Zukswert, L.S. Kenefic, and J.E. Leahy. 2020. An adaptive and evidence-based approach to building and sustaining gender diversity within a university forestry education program: A case study of SWIFT. Journal of Forestry 118(2): 193-204.
  12. Bernsen, N.R., M.S. Crandall, and J.E. Leahy. 2020. An assessment of workforce supply and readiness in the Maine forest products industry. Forest Products Journal 70(1): 22-27.