Bliss, John
Position Type:
Job Title:
Emeritus Professor
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Ph.D., 1988, Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S., 1979, Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A., 1973, Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests
- Forest Policy, Private
- Rural Development
NOTE: Due to my administrative appointment I am not currently pursuing new research opportunities or recruiting new graduate students.Private forest policy, forest-based rural development, integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods, integration of social and ecological research.
Courses Taught:
FOR 499Resilient Rural CommunitiesIn this experiential learning field class, students from OSU and Akita International University, Japan, learn together at rural sites in Oregon and Akita Prefecture, Japan.[]This online course explores five social sustainability principles and the role they play in creating sustainable natural resources.
SNR 520Social Dimensions of Sustainable Natural Resources
Selected Publications:
- Guillozet, Kathleen, John C. Bliss, and Tiglu Seboka Kelecha. Degradation in an Afromontane Forest in highland Ethiopia. Accepted for publication in Small Scale Forestry July 8, 2014.
- Abrams, Jesse, John C. Bliss, and Hannah Gosnell. 2014. Reflexive gentrification of working lands in the American West: Contesting the “middle place.” Journal of Rural and Community Development: Special Issue: Rural Geography – Rural Development. 8 (3): 144-158.
- Kelly, Erin C., John C. Bliss, and Hannah Gosnell. 2013. The Mazama returns: The politics and possibilities of tribal land reacquisition. Journal of Political Ecology 20: 429 - 443.
- Abrams, Jesse, and John C. Bliss. 2012. Amenity landownership, land use change and the re-creation of “working landscapes”. Society and Natural Resources (Published online November 2012).
- Kelly, Erin C., and John C. Bliss. 2012. From Industrial Ownership to Multifunctional Landscapes: Tenure Change and Rural Restructuring in Central Oregon. Society and Natural Resources (Published online March, 2012).
- Villavicencio Valdez, Gabriela Valeria; Eric Neal Hansen, and John C. Bliss. 2012. Factors impacting marketplace success of community forest enterprises: The case of TIP Muebles, Oaxaca, Mexico. Small Scale Forestry 11:339-363.
- Dragan S Nonic, John C Bliss, Vojislav S Milijic, Nenad Petrovic, Mersudin Avdibegovic, and Milan Mataruga. 2011. Challenges of organizing private forest owners in Serbia. Small Scale Forestry 10(4): 435-455.
- Giampaoli, Peter, and John C. Bliss. 2011. Landowner perceptions of habitat protection policy and process in Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 26(3):110-118.
- Donoghue, Ellen, Sara Thompson, and John C. Bliss. 2010. Tribal-federal collaboration in resource management. Journal of Ecological Anthropology 14(1):22-39.
- Fischer , A. Paige, John C. Bliss, Fredrik Ingemarsson, Gun Lidestav and Lars Lönnstedt. 2010. From the small woodland problem to ecosocial systems: the evolution of social research on small-scale forestry in Sweden and the USA. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25(4). Invited.
- Bliss, John C., E.C. Kelly, J. Abrams, C. Bailey, and J. Dyer. 2010. Disintegration of the U. S. Industrial Forest Estate: Dynamics, trajectories, and questions. Small-scale Forestry 9(1):53-66.