Bailey, John
- Fire Ecology
- Forest Health
- Silviculture
Silviculture Is The Tool for Achieving Many Management Objectives:
My research focuses on using traditional and experimental silviculture practices to achieve a spectrum of objectives in a landscape, including commodity production, habitat creation, fire risk reduction, and ecosystem restoration. The art and science of forest management has not fundamentally changed in the last decade, but the objectives have broadened and become more controversial. This forces our forest management actions to be more creative, complex, adaptive and defensible.
We have initiated research projects to evaluate the role of stand structure and dynamics on fire hazard, mature forest development, sustainable forest management, and post-fire recovery. Our silviculture research considers the broad economic, ecological, and sociopolitical implications on forest.
FOR 346Topics in Wildland Fire
FOR 436Wildland Fire Science and Fuels Management
FOR 441Silviculture Practices
SNR 531Sustainable Silviculture and Forest Certification
Bailey, J. 2024. A Walk with Wildland Fire. Waveland Press, Inc. 118 pp. https://www.waveland.com/browse.php?t=788
Dunn, C., J. Johnston, M. Reilly, J. Bailey, and R. Miller. 2020. How does tree regeneration respond to mixed-severity fire in the western Oregon Cascades, USA? Ecosphere 11(1), e03003
Tweedy, P., K.M. Moriarty, J. D. Bailey, and C. Epps. 2019. Using fine scale resolution vegetation data from LiDAR and ground-based sampling to predict Pacific marten resting habitat at multiple spatial scales. Forest Ecology and Management 452:117556.
Matosziuk, L., Y. Alleau, B. Kerns, J. Bailey, M. Johnson, and J. Hatten. 2019. Effects of season and interval of prescribed burns on pyrogenic carbon in ponderosa pine stands in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon, USA. Geoderma 348:1-11.
Petitmermet, J., J. Sessions, J., J. Bailey, and R. Zamora-Cristales. 2019. Cost and productivity of tethered cut-to-length systems in a dry forest fuel reduction treatment: a case study. Forest Science 65(5):581-592. doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxz010
Sessions, J., D. Smith, K. Trippe, J. Fried, J. Bailey, J. Petitmermet, W. Hollamon, C. Phillips and J. Campbell. 2019. Can biochar link forest restoration with commercial agriculture? Biomass and Bioenergy 123:175-185.
Alcasena Urdiroz, F.J., A.A. Ager, J.D. Bailey, N. Pineda, and C. Vega-Garcia. 2019. Towards a comprehensive wildfire management strategy for Mediterranean areas: Framework development and implementation in Catalonia, Spain. Journal of Environmental Management 231:303-320.
Donager, J.J., T.T. Sankey, J.B. Sankey, A.J. Sanchez Meader, A.J. Springer, and J.D. Bailey. 2018. Examining forest structure with terrestrial LiDAR: suggestions and novel techniques based on comparisons between scanners and forest treatments. Earth and Space Science 5(11): 753-776
Linnell, M.A., D.B. Lesmeister, J. D. Bailey, E. Forsman, and JK. Swingle. 2018. Arboreal rodent response to increased availability of nest substrates in young forests. J of Mammology 99(5):1174-1182.
Johnston, J., C. Dunn, M. Vernon, J. Bailey, B. Morrissette, and K. Morici. 2018. Restoring historical forest conditions in a diverse inland Pacific Northwest Landscape. Ecosphere 9(8) e02400.
Cole, E., A. Lindsay, M. Newton and J. Bailey. 2018. Vegetation control and soil moisture depletion related to herbicide treatments in northeastern Oregon. Weed Technology 32(4):461-474.
Cole, E., A. Lindsay, M. Newton and J. Bailey. 2018. Eight-year performance of barefoot Douglas-fir and barefoot and plug western larch seedlings following herbicide applications, northeast Oregon, USA. New Forests 49(6)791-814.
Ager, A., A. Barros, M. Day, H. Preisler, T. Spies, J. Bailey, and J. Bolte. 2017. Effects of accelerated wildfire on future fire regimes and implications for the United States federal fire policy. Ecology and Society 22(4):12.
Kline, J., E. White, A. Fischer, M. Steen-Adams, S. Charnley, C. Olsen, T. Spies, J. Bailey and E. Platt. 2017. Integrating social science into empirical models of coupled human and natural systems. Ecology and Society 22(3):25.
Johnston, J.D., J.D. Bailey, C.J. Dunn, and A.A. Lindsay. 2017. Historical fire-climate relationships in contrasting interior Pacific Northwest forest types. Fire Ecology 13(2):18-36.
Ager, A.A., K.C. Vogler, M.A. Day and J.D. Bailey. 2017. Economic opportunities and trade-offs in collaborative forest landscape restoration. Ecological Economics 136:226-239.
Reilly, M., C.J. Dunn, T.A. Spies, R.A. Kennedy, J.D. Bailey and K. Briggs. 2017. Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (1985-2010). Ecosphere 8(3):1-28; e01695.10.1002/ecs2.1695
Spies, T. A., E. White, A. Ager, J. Kline, J. Bolte, E. Platt, K. Olsen, R. Pabst, A. Barros, J. Bailey, and others. 2017. Using an agent-based model to examine forest management outcomes in a fire-prone landscape in Oregon, USA. Ecology and Society 22(1):25.
Barros, A., A. Ager, M. Day, H. Preisler, T. Spies, E. White, R. Pabst, K. Olsen, E. Platt, J. Bailey, and J. Bolte. 2017. Spatiotemporal dynamics of simulated wildfire, forest management and forest succession in central Oregon, USA. Ecology and Society 22(1):24.
Cole, E., M. Newton, and J. Bailey. 2017. Understory vegetation development 15 years after thinning in 50-year-old Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir/western hemlock stands in western Oregon. For. Ecol. Mgt. 384: 358-370.