Jung, Suhyun
- Environmental Economics
- Forest Economics
- Forest Management
- Human Dimensions
- International Forestry
- Rural Development
- Social Science
- Statistics
Hall, C.M., Rasmussen, L.V., Powell, B., Dyngeland, C., Jung, S., Olesen, R.S. 2022. “Deforestation Reduces Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Rural Tanzania” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119 (10) e2112063119.
Liu, W., Gerber, E., Jung, S., Agrawal, A. 2022. “The Role of Human and Social Capital in Earthquake Recovery in Nepal” Nature Sustainability 5(2): 167-173.
Jung, S., Dyngeland, C., Rausch, L., Rasmussen, L.V. 2021. “Brazilian Land Registry Impacts on Land Use Conversion” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104(1): 340-363.
Jung, S., Liao, C., Agrawal, A., Brown, D.G. 2019. “Evidence on Wealth-Improving Effects of Forest Concessions in Liberia” Journal of Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 6(5): 961-1000.
Jung, S., Polasky, S. 2018. “Partnerships to Prevent Deforestation in the Amazon” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92: 498-516.