Kellogg, Loren
Position Type:
Job Title:
Emeritus Professor
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
PhD, 1986, Forest Science, Oregon State University
MF, 1976, Forest Engineering, Oregon State University
BS, 1974, Forest Management, Humboldt State University
Research Interests
- Forest Health
Harvesting, Forest Health, Young Stand Management, Biomass Collection/Transport
Recent Theses
Pilkerton, S. 2009. Thinning-age Douglas-Fir: An analysis of mobilization costs and a log bucking strategy for revenue improvement. PhD. Oregon State University.
Spong, Ben. 2007. A decision framework for the implementation of appropriate logging practices in developing countries: Case Study---Ethiopia. PhD. Oregon State University.
Bolding, Chad. 2006. An integrated study of mechanical forest fuel reduction: Quantifying multiple factors at the stand level. PhD. Oregon State University.
Matzka, P.J. 2004. Thinning with prescribed fire and timber harvesting mechanization for fuels reduction and forest restoration. PhD. Oregon State University.
Current programs include: mechanized harvesting of small timber, harvesting economics of alternative silviculture systems for timber and mature forest wildlife species, harvesting systems to improve forest health, young stand management and skyline thinning.
Courses Taught:
FE 370Harvesting Operations
FE 371Harvesting Process Engineering
FE 471/571Harvesting Management
FE 499Biomass Assessment, Harvesting and Transport
SNR 534Reduced Impact Timber Harvest
Selected Publications:
- Pilkerton, S.J., J. Sessions, and L.D. Kellogg. 2013. Development of efficient cutting patterns to maximize value with a log-allocation constraint. Int. J. of Forest Engineering, 24(1):42-52.
- Ghaffariyan, M. R., M. Acuna and L. Kellogg. 2012. Productivity of roadside processing system in Western Australia. Silva Balcanica 13(1):49-60.
- Pilkerton, S.J. and L.D. Kellogg. 2011. An Evaluation of Log Length on Timber Value in Thinning. Forest Products Journal 61(#):202-209.
- Kellogg, L., J. Sessions, and J. Wimer. 2010. Operational Considerations in Thinning. Western Forester 55(4):4-6.
- Bolding, M.C., L.D. Kellogg, and C.T. Davis. 2010. Soil compaction and visual disturbance following an integrated mechanical forest fuel reduction operation in southwest Oregon. International Journal of Forest Engineering 20(2):47-56.
- Bolding, M.C., L.D. Kellogg, and C.T. Davis. 2009. Productivity and costs of an integrated mechanical forest fuel reduction operation in southwest Oregon. Forest Products Journal; 59(3):35-46.
- Bolding, M.C., L.D. Kellogg, and C.T. Davis. In Press. Fire hazard reduction assessment of an integrated mechanical forest fuel reduction operation in southwest Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry.
- Acuna, M. and L. Kellogg. 2009. An evaluation of alternative cut-to-length harvesting technology for native forest thinning in Australia. International Journal of Forest Engineering.
- Kellogg, L., C. Davis, M. Vanderberg, and M. C. Bolding. 2008. Identifying and developing innovation in harvesting and transporting forest biomass. In: Technical Session Proceedings of Woody Biomass Utilization: Challenges and Opportunities. Forest Products Society 60th International Convention, Newport Beach, California. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. pgs 15-23.
- Bolding, M.C., L.D. Kellogg and C.T. Davis. 2005. Soil disturbance from an integrated mechanical forest fuel reduction operation in southwest Oregon. In: Proceedings, 28th Annual Council on Forest Engineering Meeting, July 11-14, Fortuna, CA. 10 p.
- Davis, C.T., L.D. Kellogg and M.C. Bolding. 2005. Measuring machine productivity with a multi-data logger: A demonstration on three forest machines. In: Proceedings, 28th Annual Council on Forest Engineering Meeting, July 11-14, Fortuna, CA.
- Kiser, J., D. Solmie and L. Kellogg. 2005. Efficiencies of traditional and digital measurement technologies for forest operations. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 20(2): 138-143.
- Wing, M.G., A. Eklund, and L.D. Kellogg. 2005. Consumer-grade global positioning system (GPS) accuracy and reliability. Journal of Forestry 103(4): 169-173.