Stephen Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, Stephen

Position Type:
Job Title:
Professor Emeritus
Forest Engineering, Resources & Management
Office Location:
8692 Peavy Arboretum Rd. Arboretum
Graduate Major Advisor
MS, Forest Management, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 1983
BS, Forest Biology, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse, New York, 1979
AAS, Holyoke Community College, Holyoke MA, 1976
Research Areas
Silviculture, Fire, Forest Health and Biodiversity
Research Interests
  • Fire Ecology and Restoration of Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems
  • Early Seral Forest Habitat
  • Silviculture Systems
  • Forest Resiliency
I conduct educational programs to a wide variety of audiences on reforestation, thinning, maintaining healthy forests, backyard woodlands, stand density management, fire and fire management and a variety of other topics. My areas of interest and research include: uneven-aged management of ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests; fire ecology and fire management; prescribed burning; forest health and resiliency; post-fire regeneration; regeneration processes; and thinning methods.
Selected Publications:
  1. Carlisle, Catherine, Stephen Fitzgerald, and Hailemariam Temesgen. 2023. Modeling Above-Ground Carbon Dynamics under Different Silvicultural Treatments on the McDonald–Dunn Research Forest. Forests 14, 2090.

  2. Detweiler, Amy Jo, Stephen Fitzgerald, Ariel Cowan, Neil Bell, and Thomas Stokely. 2023. Fire-resistant Plants for Home Landscapes. PNW 590. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR. 56 p.  Online at:…

  3. Putney, J., N. Kline, S. Fitzgerald, L. Grand, C. Schneph, G. Latta, P. Shultz, and J. Rizza. 2023. Introduction to forest carbon, offsets, and markets. PNW 775. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR. 18 p. Online at:…

  4. Rau, A., Fitzgerald, S.A., Davis, E.J., Berger, C. (2022). Prescribed Fire Basics: Smoke Management. EM 9342. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR. 6 p.

  5. Stokely, T.D., Kormann, U.G., Verschuyl, J., Kroll, A.J., Frey, D.W., Harris, S.H., Mainwaring, D.B., Maguire, D., Hatten, J.A., Rivers, J.W., Fitzgerald, S.A., Betts, M.G. (2022). Experimental evaluation of herbicide use on biodiversity, ecosystem services and timber production trade-offs in forest plantation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(1), 52-66. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13936.

  6. Oester, P., and S.A. Fitzgerald. 2020. Enhancing reforestation success in the Inland Northwest, PNW 520. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR. 20 p.

  7. Riddell, A., Fitzgerald, S.A., Qi, C. and Strimbu, B.M. (2020). Classification strategies for unbalanced binary maps: finding Ponderosa Pine (Pinus Ponderosa) in the Willamette Valley. Remote Sensing, 12(20), 3325.

  8. Grand, L., Berger, C. A., Fitzgerald, S. A., Leavell, D. M. (2019). Fire FAQs—Who owns Oregon's forests, and how does that matter when it comes to fire? EM 9228. Corvallis, OR: Extension and Experiment Station Communications. 2 p.

  9. Fitzgerald, S., Berger, C. A., Leavell, D. M. (2019). What is forest fuel, and what are fuel treatments? EM 9230. Corvallis, OR:. 2 p.

  10. Green, P., Chung, W., Leshchinsky, B. A., Belart, F., Sessions, J., Fitzgerald, S. A., Wimer, J. A., Cushing, T., Garland, J. 2019. Insight into the Productivity, Cost and Soil Impacts of Cable-assisted Harvester- forwarder Thinning in Western Oregon. Forest Science