Gregory, Matthew
Position Type:
Job Title:
Senior Faculty Research Assistant II
Forest Ecosystems & Society
Office Location:
307 FSL
Phone Number:
B.A., 1993 (mathematics), The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
M.S., 1999 (geographic techniques), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Research Interests
- Geographic Information Science
- Geographic Visualization
- Regional Scale Vegetation Mapping
- Discrete Global Grid Systems
Selected Publications:
- Downing, WM, GW Meigs, MJ Gregory, MA Krawchuk. 2021. Where and why do conifer forests persist in refugia through multiple fire events?. Global Change Biology 15655:1-15
- Bell, DM, SA Acker, MJ Gregory, RJ Davis, BA Garcia. 2020. Quantifying regional trends in large live tree and snag availability in support of forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 479(2021):1-9.
- Henderson, EB, DM Bell, MJ Gregory. 2019. Vegetation mapping to support greater sage-grouse habitat monitoring and management: multi-or univariate approach?. Ecosphere 10(8):1-22.
- Lesmeister, DB, SG Sovern, RJ Davis, DM Bell, MJ Gregory, JC Vogeler. 2019. Mixed-severity wildfire and habitat of an old-forest obligate. Ecosphere 10(4):1-22.
- Bell, DM, MJ Gregory, V Kane, J Kane, RE Kennedy, HM Roberts, M Simpson, Z Yang. 2018. Multiscale divergence between Landsat- and lidar-based biomass mapping explained by regional variation in canopy cover and composition. Carbon Balance and Management 13:1-15.