Duane, Maureen
Duane, M.V., W.B. Cohen, J.L. Campbell, T. Hudiburg, D.P. Turner, D. Weyermann. 2010. Implications of alternative field-sampling designs on Landsat-based mapping of stand age and carbon stocks in Oregon forests, Forest Science 56:405-416.
Turner, D.P., Göckede, M., Law, B.E., Ritts, W.D., Cohen, W.B., Yang, Z., Hudiburg, T., Kennedy, R., Duane, M. 2011. Multiple constraint analysis of regional land surface carbon flux. TellusB 63:207-221.
Turner, D.P, W.D. Ritts, Z. Yang, R.E. Kennedy, W.B. Cohen, M.V. Duane, P.E. Thornton, B.E. Law. 2011. Decadal trends in net ecosystem production and net ecosystem carbon balance for a regional socioecological system, Forest Ecology & Management. 262 (2011) 1318–1325.
Hudiburg, T.M., B.E. Law, D.P. Turner, J. Campbell, D. Donato, and M. Duane. 2009. Carbon dynamics of Oregon and Northern California forests and potential land-based carbon storage. Ecological Applications 19:163–180.
Turner, D.P., Ritts, W.D., Law, B.E., Cohen, W.B., Yang, Z., Hudiburg, T., Campbell, J.L., Duane, M. 2007. Scaling net ecosystem production and net biome production over a heterogeneous region in the western United States. Biogeosciences 4:597-612.
Krankina, O.N., M.E. Harmon, W.B. Cohen, D.R. Oetter, O. Zyrina., and M.V. Duane. 2004. Carbon Stores, Sinks, and Sources in Forests of Northwestern Russia: Can We Reconcile Forest Inventories with Remote Sensing Results? Climatic Change 67: 257-272.