Sinha, Arijit
Position Type:
Job Title:
Professor and JELD-WEN Chair of Wood-based Composites Science and Director of NSF Industry University Cooperative Research Center for Wood-Based Composites
Wood Science & Engineering
Office Location:
201L Richardson Hall
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Graduate Major Advisor
PhD, 2010 - Wood Science and Civil Engineering (dual major), Oregon State University
MS, 2007 - Wood Science and Civil Engineering (dual major), Oregon State University
BE, 2003 - Civil Engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, India
Research Areas
Timber Mechanics and Structural Engineering
Resource Extension and Optimization
Research Interests
- Building Connections
- Building Lifecycle Analysis
- Renewable Materials Product Development
- Structural Engineering
- Wood-based Composites
My research interest and focus lies in achieving sustainability in society, especially in the built environment by using intelligent and integrated design process, and developing renewable material based green products. My specific interests are - Connections, Durability and service-life prediction, Lifecycle Analysis, Renewable Materials Product Development, Structural Engineering, Wood-based Composites
Graduate Students:
External (non-CoF) Graduate Students
Tu X. Ho, Post-doc scholar
Patricia Vega, Post-doc scholar
Courses Taught:
WSE 385 (Ecampus)EVALUATING SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH LIFE CYCLE ANALYSISWith increased focus on sustainability, it has become important to quantify a sustainability metric of a material, process, or a system. To that end an understanding of life cycle analysis (LCA) is needed that can be used to determine a sustainability metric. This Ecampus course presents the use of LCA to gain insights on the environmental and social impacts of the choices we make.
WSE 592ADVANCED WOOD DESIGNStudy of advanced concepts in wood properties and design. Design and analysis of specialty wood connectors. Design of wood members for adverse conditions including fire design. Common failure mechanisms and forensic engineering concepts. Design for durability.